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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 30, 2009, 11:46AM
Jessica loves haunted houses and being scared. Every year around Halloween, depending on time and money, she always drags me to a few of them. This year, with limited time we only had a chance to go to one. After some research online she found one that looked entertaining called Final Destination. So, a far drive later we were there, waiting in line, watching horror movies on the big screen and a rockin' DJ outside.

It started with the normal "This family is cursed" funeral procession and then we went to check out "the family". Each room got more and more "Jesus can save you" until it just got ridicules. When they show a graphic and horrible depiction of an abortion while showing Passion of the Christ spliced with images of dead babies... Well in my opinion you just don't get more offensive then that.

I have been of the "My beliefs are my own and if you ask I will share them with you" mind-frame and to have such disgusting and ad nauseum depictions of exaggerated instance is appalling.

At the end of it all the trapped us in a little area to talk about Jesus. If you have found and love Jesus GREAT! I am not judging you. If you turn your church building into a haunted house to goad unsuspecting thrill seekers into finding him... disgusting.

All and all we paid forty dollars to be blind sided and insulted.

I've left a few of the more entertaining aspects out but if prodded I can fill you in in the comments sections. All this has gotten a little too long.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 30, 2009, 11:55AM
P.S. Sorry to break the story arc strand. This just got under my skin and I had to let people know.