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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 23, 2009, 9:44AM
Nothing says the end of a story arc like a good WoW comic. The Turkey Festival thing is on in WoW with a bunch of special achievements to gather. For those of you working on these you understand. For those not, here's a brief breakdown...

Turkey Lurkey - Turn one of each races rogues into a turkey, using this gun think they give you...

Turkinator - Kill as many turkeys as fast as you can (actual breakdown is 40 kills with no more then 30 seconds between kills).

The irony of having to turn people into turkeys and having to kill as many turkeys as you can was just too great for me to ignore.

This comic idea all came about when I read a rogue offering to open lock boxes in trade chat and it all just kinda snowballed from there.