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VR Leap - Part 3
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 16, 2012, 9:57PM
I found an awesome little site that actually broke down Al's Ribbons and what they are for. I always assumed his military dress has an extension on his flashy facade. I guess I shouldn't continue this unhealthy use of assumptions.

I am quite enjoying all of this. Particularly the Maid character. In creation she was a way that I could experiment and test female characters in "my style" long before Jessica, Heather or even Shannon were introduced. You may think it fully Groening-esque, but Matt Groening is only one of my inspirations.

In college I once did a complete character sheet on my character. Things have changed a bit since then (and I have completely lost that sheet) but maybe I'll take some time to draw one up for each character.