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My Birthday... You Suck
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 24, 2007, 9:00PM
It looks like todays comic will be a bit late. Vance went out and saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End at midnight last night and has yet to send me the comic for the day. I'll get it up along with his appology as soon as he wakes up.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 24, 2007, 9:00PM
I apologize for NOTHING!!!


Didn't really mean for todays comic to be late, but the comic does stand true... I had some ambition to not even do a comic for today, just be a lazy ass and say Catch you next week. But, rightly so, I couldn't do that. We haven't missed an update yet, and I'm not going to start just because I'm lazy on my Birthday.

As Reese stated, I went to go see the new Pirates movie last night, which helps to account for my tardiness in todays posting. I'll get into more in Mondays comic/post, but for now I'll say this.

Good movie, visually splendid, a bit silly and cliche, but I can forgive. Much worth seeing.

Oh, and a personal note... I have the greatest girlfriend in the world. (more to come...)