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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 7, 2007, 9:00PM
So Reese has always hated smacking, it's one of his pet peeves if you will. This comic originated many years ago, when I was sitting in Reese's room smacking away on something. He stops, turns away from his computer and smacks me in the face... Being his room I had little right to retaliation, but it will come, oh yes, oh yes... Years later similar situation but this time we were at Croz and Aprils house when he turns to me (he was reading a D&D book at the time) and says "You heard the one about the guy who beat his friend to death with a book?" and this comic was truly born.

School is coming to a close, and with a great deal of effort this week I made it just under the wire for my dealings with my final projects. I'm not positive of the outcome of my efforts at the moment, but I will keep you informed as time goes on.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 7, 2007, 9:00PM
Everyone has stuff that bugs them, this just happens to be what bugs me. Vance likes to push his luck with this one and there have been a few instances where he was a hair's breath away from a severe beating. I have also noticed my girlfriend likes to abuse her knowledge of this as well.

I realize the fact that I am annoyed by this is my problem and not that of other people, but if they know I have a problem with it and do it on purpose then I feel I have the right to show them how much I appreciate it.