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Drunk With Power
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 15, 2007, 9:00PM
I came up with this idea, and a couple more, during my creative writing class a while ago. It's just something fun and silly that I could throw in here right before things get a little heavy. Plus, It had been a while since I had done a comic featuring a supporting character so it's nice to fit one in now and again.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 15, 2007, 9:00PM
Nothing super eventful happened this weekend. I got a few steps closer to finishing my epic mount quest for my warlock in WoW, but other than that, not a ton got done. I'm starting to look forward to our trip this year for PAX. It looks to be really fun. I always enjoy doing something different than ordinary and getting on a plane to fly somewhere else for a few days really helps break my normal daily routine.

PAX is still over a month away, but if for some reason you've never heard about it before or something (live under a rock?), then I thought I would remind our readers about it. This will be the forth time that Vance and I have made this trip and I must say that I have a ton of fun doing it every year...