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I Wanna Go Too
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 4, 2007, 9:00PM
OMG its a new comic!!!

I must sincerely apologize for the absence of comics these past two updates. My computer went down and it took a great deal longer to fix it and bring it back up to speed then I ever expected it to. I feel really horrible since, until now, we here at VR Comic had never failed to update. We were late some times, and had a few fillers, but we were always here. It took us 3 years to break that line and I have absolutely no plans on making the lack of a comic any sort of a norm. So expect VR Comic to go back to our normal Monday and Friday updates without fail.

Today's comic is kinda entertaining to me on the... I'm going without an invitation, but no... no, you can't go... it's invitation only.

Lots of things are happening in my little fictitious world, it should be interesting to see how it all pans out.

Thanks for reading, as always.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - October 4, 2007, 9:00PM
Yay! A comic! I almost forgot what it was like...

In other news, I have decided to replace my fully functional PC with another that is much better. has already shipped me my parts and I hope to have everything by the middle of next week. I sorely needed an upgrade and not only that, but Vance got a new computer and so did my friend Anthony. I can't be left behind, especially with some of the new games coming out, or even some of the ones already released.