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Hellgate London
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - November 11, 2007, 9:00PM
This time, it is Vance's fault for the late comic (which I still don't have).

We had our LAN party yesterday and we got a good nine hours of Hellgate London in. The game does have a few issues that need to be ironed out (such as teleporting back to the instance entrance randomly, for one). Even with wierd little things happening, we were able to play with everyone on a single internet connection (no LAN mode, remember!) with no real lag problems. We did run into one issue, group sizes are limited to five people. This made it kind of a bummer for the sixth person to show up (Sorry Q).

All in all, we had fun and I wouldn't object to spending another nine hours playing, which won't be happening anytime soon. Also, this was the first LAN that Vance himself hosted and I think it went pretty well, so good job Vance.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 11, 2007, 9:00PM
I had a lot of fun at the Hellgate London lan and I'm very happy that it turned out well.

Here are my thoughts on the game.

It is a fun game, but it has its issues, as almost all games do. They have made it clear that Hellgate London is supposed to be the next step in Diablo II which, if you ask anyone who has ever played it, is one of the best games ever made. Diablo II has single handedly allowed me to get my girlfriend farther into gaming... Thank you Diablo II, I love you. So... you see what they have to compete with.

The actual game doesn't fall too short of their goal. It is fun, enduring, and had a pretty deep specing system. Hacking down demons and zombies is a blast and the bosses, however not too difficult (from my experiences yet), are an entertaining change from the hack throughs.

The place I feel they fail in their endeavors is the social aspects of the game. As Reese has mentioned you can only have 5 people in party, which seems small for destroying the forces of evil unleashed upon the world. You can not have a lan set up. We spent the entire lan party yesterday hooked up to the internet playing together in the same way we would if we all played from home. This leaves your single player aspects just that, single.

Honestly I feel that Hellgate London is trying desperately to be an MMO when it doesn't have the chops to do that. Any game you can "beat" can not be an MMO in my opinion. And the subscription to continue to the harder difficulty just seems to be tacked on, we want more of your money, ploy.

All and all I really love the game, have spent much time playing it. I just want them to remember who they made it for and not to screw us over for their own security. Some of the greatest games out there are only that because of their fans ability to influence (and mod) those games.

This is only the tip of my thoughts, so get the game, play it for yourselves and see how much crap I am full of.