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What Not To Do
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 6, 2007, 9:00PM
Vance left for Washington earlier this week and was kind enough to send me some comics in advance to post in his absence. I guess that is one thing we have done right in regards to running a web comic. Vance said he would be sending in his rant sometime on the day of the comic, so expect that at some point as well.

It's been mentioned by some of our readers before, so I'm working on setting up an RSS feed for our site. I've got a basic model working, but I need to straighten a few things out with Vance. When he gets back next week I'll sit down with him and then let you guys in on the results.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 6, 2007, 9:00PM
Sorry for the late rant post alls, I Just got off one of the longest drives of my life, and quite frankly, I'm still not quite sure what day it is.

I go this idea after reading a forums post over at The Web Comic List. Reading through it I realized I was pretty much doing everything thing they were saying not to do. Its a gaming (kinda) comic about two roommates and heavens forbid I even use Comic sans as my font!

But I'm not too worried. I do have fun drawing my comic, and thats the most important thing I found on that list.