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Dual Boxing
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 31, 2008, 9:00PM
I have two account for WoW right now. One is my main account with all my high level characters and my main. The other is an account I acquired for Jessica to use and a worth while endeavor it has been. When I got her account though I switched my Priest to her account for her to play till she got hers high level, the possibility of dual boxing hadn't crossed my mind yet. That is, until I got my new computer and I realized that this new machine could run WoW on it twice, without even flinching.

I used to duel box in the old days of EQ so its not my first time thinking of this, but I'm certainly not all sort of glorified like all the people you see on youtube pvping with 4 warlocks all at the same time, or running raids with two people on forty characters. I kind of look at it like my paladin has a pet priest.

Now I am not one to discount paladins. I love paladins, my main is a paladin. But c'mon... they can get a might boring, especially a protection spec paladin, like I play. Taking him from 1 to almost 70 now only protection spec, I have even gotten in the habit and starting a fight, walking away from my computer, coming back and healing myself and go away again, just to come back then the fight is done to loot and start the next fight. It's the closest thing to botting without getting you account baned. In fact there have been many "write ups" on other thing you can do while you play a paladin. So adding another character to that mix isn't that difficult of a concept.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 31, 2008, 9:00PM
Sometimes I almost miss WoW. It is a game done very well but the thing that gets me everytime is that the end game consists of PvP, raiding and faction grinding. PvP might be fun for a bit, but even that gets old after a while for me. I'm not big on raiding, at least not with the attitude most guilds have, not to mention my available playtimes don't line up very well for that kind of stuff. And when it comes to faction grinding, that is by far one of the worst ways to spend time in game.

If they ever come up with a good end game that doesn't involve the phrase "Just wait for the next expansion" then I will consider going back. Until then, I'll be playing Hellgate London or whatever else comes along.