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Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - February 10, 2008, 9:00PM
Vance mentioned that the comic would be a bit late today, but it is taking forever for him to send it to me, so I'm posting this to let you know that we do intend to get you a "Monday" comic. I'm just not sure which day you will end up getting it.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 10, 2008, 9:00PM
Sorry for the late posting everyone thing got rather complicated this weekend and it was not able to be finished on time.

As for the comic, this is the first year that Reese and I have both had girlfriends at the same time for this lovely holiday. Whatever you views on it may be, I like it. I've portrayed my opinion on this greatly before so I'll chum it up to this... I am a cheese... Here is a holiday for cheeses... I like.

Well, till next time I am whisked away into my world of pony's and gum drops.