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Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 18, 2005, 9:00PM
Ha Ha. Looks like I will get to post first this time. Vance has been taking his sweet time with the comic. Could be because we spent over three hours of our day yesterday watching King Kong. Good movie, a little drawn out in places, but it has the best dinosaur wreck I've ever seen.

Vance called me while I was typing this to let me know that he has finished the comic. I guess I should have been faster when it comes to mocking his speed. Oh well, at least I got to post first. Then again, I can always post first, it just seemed more prudent this time. Currently, I post everything on the page, including what Vance says. So I'm going to read what he wants to put up here so I can comment. One sec...

Okay, not a whole lot to say about the comic as I haven't had to do finals in a while now. Moving on. I've started playing Magic: The Gathering again with some of my friends from work and I'm having a blast. It feels good to play again. Last time I played was about 8 years ago. If you like trading card games and have never played M:TG then you owe it to yourself to try it out.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 18, 2005, 9:00PM
I'm having a difficult time actually conveying to people how happy I am that this week has come. Not for the fact that anything special is happening, no plans, nothing doing, but more for the fact that last week is over! Ah finals... how I despise thee. Going to an "art" college is a tad different from my escapades at traditional university, I still have a few finals, this quarter I had one, it was for Japanese Pop Culture (Japanese History essentially) and I actually took that one a few weeks ago. What I do get is a plethora of projects, projects that take up to 20 hours in all to complete (I'm looking at you 2D animation). So to be able to sit back and veg out is a great relief to the endless sleepless nights I've had over the past few weeks.

This comic had to be posted now, or I would have had to wait another year to get it up. I have a year round quarterly school schedule, and winter is the only time that I have my finals the same time that everyone else does, to have the timing make more sense to a wider audience...

It's my fault the comic is a tad late, normally we have a habit of updating Sunday night, but this comic comes to you Monday morning due to my flawless impression of a sloth.