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What's a Mech to do - Part 5
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 11, 2008, 12:05PM
It is often forgotten that Batman started off as a detective; in fact his dawning was in back Detective Comics in 1939. One of the best depictions of not only Batman's fighting capabilities and his detective skills that I have found was the Batman the Animated Series that came out some time ago. I always through that was a very good representation of who Batman really is.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 11, 2008, 4:05PM
Yea, I think that the real Batman is the only one who could get away with calling me Robin without getting stabbed in the face.

The new TV setup is working out pretty good. I'm pretty good with technology but I haven't focused on audio/video stuff in a long time. It's taken me a bit to catch up on everything but I think things are moving along quickly. I'm almost tempted to buy a Playstation 3 just for the Blue-ray player. Other than Blue-ray, there isn't a whole lot of HD content out there (at least until I hook up an antenna and/or a media center PC).