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New Years
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 1, 2006, 9:00PM
So, you want to know what I've been up too, read this week's comic. For the most part I think I've covered my past month and present year's ambitions adequately. 2006 certainly shows a lot of promise, I just hope it follows through and delivers. Again Reese is my natural punch line. He does it to himself... it's not my fault! Actual conversation once again, I'd been under stress and so excited that I had to tell someone, Reese being my only friend is pretty much what I've got to work with. I should also add that Reese reads ungodly fast. I do doubt he could finish off four books in one day, but when this event happened he was finishing off his fourth book in three days. Books it would take me a month to read...

I do find it funny how the most entertaining part of this strip to draw up for me was the wallscroll...

On a lighter note, for New Years Eve, Reese and myself went to see our long lost friends Croz and April. (Croz actually made an appearance in our 7th comic "Stereo"). It's always great to see them and their chillins, and it better not take so long to get together again... I know where you live... and I know you have food!

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 1, 2006, 9:00PM
It was good seeing Croz and April again. It's been awhile and I had almost forgotten what they looked like.

On to other news, I'm without an MMO right now. City of Villains suffers from the same malady that City of Heroes did (hard to imagine, since they are practically the same game). The only thing you really get in that game is powers and enhancement slots for your powers. This works fine at the lower levels, but when you get to the point that it takes ten hours of gameplay to level or longer, you really start to notice that those are your only rewards. There are no items, armor or anything like that. You do have the salvage for your bases, but with the cost of the equipment and rooms for the base, you don't usually end up building much with it.

What truly makes this sad is that I just played my Defender on CoH last night and had a blast again, but all I get to look forward to is the same slow down and repetitive missions. If you do end up trying out CoH and make a Defender, give Kinetics a try for your main power. It's quite unconventional and very fun.