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PAX 08
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 26, 2008, 1:04PM
It's now traditions that when we get back from PAX to do a collage comic of our adventures there. We have done this a few times before and so I was finally able to put together the PAX 08 comic. PAX was an amazing event, with so much happening. I guess I'll start with the things that didn't make it to the strip.

There were a lot of other things that happened that didn't make it into the strip, but if would have had to have been a 20 page comic to fit everything in. The following were going to be in the comic but I ran out of space:

The first day we hit up the exhibition hall there was much hullabaloo around the Wizards of the Coast booth. They were doing tutorial games with prizes for the winners as well as a kind of information scavenger hunt, in which Reese, Anthony and I got some pretty cool messenger bags. Reese and Anthony must have loved these things, since they had um with them for the rest of the trip. I found it nice, since this bag actually fit my wacom tablet, so now I can carry it around if I need to.

Of course there was the Fallout 3 demo, which Reese has talked about a little, but as far as bloody, post apocalyptic, sci-fi, gory, world go... it aint bad. I actually really enjoyed the demonstration, as I know Reese and Anthony did too (f*ers got the puppets). All I got was a stinkin' shirt.

The other main this that was cut was the sheer amount of lines, live upon line. Lines for lines. Seriously. We missed most of the first PA Q&A due to the fact that we only for there a few hours early, instead of sleeping there. It normally takes the first day there for us to learn that we can hit everything we want, so pick the things you want to see the most, then go stand in line to see it.

Now, it's important to know that Jessica loves Felicia Day. And when she found out that she not only there but she sung the song from portals at the Jonathan Coulton concert she was very sad. Shortly after we got home she found the Penny-Arcade in which Tycho would like to groom Ms. Day. Needless to say, Jessica liked it.

One of my personal highlights was the chance to go to the Code Monkeys panel. I've always liked that show and to get to talk to the creator and see how they do what they do was very interesting to me. They also gave some really interesting swag... like barf bags.

The other highlight of mine was when I got Gabe to sign my wacom tablet during the PA Make a Strip panel. I had wanted both of them to sign, but Tycho said he would not, for it would suck any artistic merit the device had away. I actually sealed it with clear nail polish so it wouldn't smudge away over time since it's signed where I rest my arm where I draw.

And of course. THEY RAN OUT OF PAX 08 SHIRTS (piss me off). I have a shirt from every PAX I've attended. I love wearing my PAX 04 shirt around there the first day, show that Reese and I have our roots in this convention. To be missing a year now, I just... feel... empty.

Reese called the Omegathon a few years back with the "Wouldn't it be cool if they did Excitebike?” and low and behond... But I guess he'll gloat on that for himself.

PAX is always fun. It was great seeing Croz and April again, and Jessica and I actually hung around Washington for a few days after PAX. We saw some sights and went whale watching and got to spend some quality time with two friends I sorely miss.

So one more PAX down, who knows how many to go.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 26, 2008, 1:10PM
I'm a little amazed... all my links work...

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 26, 2008, 2:13PM
Wow, really long post there Vance. Well, he covered most everything in there. I only have a few things to say.
  • PAX was great! (like every previous year)
  • Vance needs a spellchecker.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 26, 2008, 3:22PM
Hey, I wrote that all up in the middle of work and everything. You're lucky I did as well as I did. Plus, nothings spelled wrong... there's just a lot of horrible grammar.

And what was that post?

PAX good...

That's like saying "I like pie." Ya, so does everyone else, but why... do you like the pie?

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 26, 2008, 4:06PM
I like the pie (PAX) because it tastes good (is fun).

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 26, 2008, 5:31PM
Ah Reese, the great connoisseur (dumb ass).