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Break a Leg
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 8, 2008, 10:09AM
The previous comic O' to fly stinted an idea in my head. I've decided to follow it through now this week before Christmas, leaving me just enough time to get one or two Christmas comics in before the date. Lets see how it all turns out. Do you really think Reese can fly?

The link was broken for the voting incentive, but it is fixed now. So go vote, special Christmas incentive brought to you by the robot maid!

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 8, 2008, 2:41PM
I've made a minor change in the presentation on the Archive page. It will now sort in descending order with the most recent comic at the top of the page. This request was forwarded to me via Vance, so if you don't like it, complain to him (and I guess me, so I can change it back).

I spent a fair amount of time this weekend setting up an outdoor house for our tortoise. I didn't really build much, I just bought a Dogloo and then constructed a housing for the top of it to hold a heat lamp and keep the cables waterproof. So far I think our turtle is enjoying not freezing her ass off every night, but I can't be sure.