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I Can Fall
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 15, 2008, 2:20PM
Just a note for all of those paying attention... I still was wise enough to wear a helmet before following a ducks advice to jump off of a roof.

I had a great time this weekend playing Warhammer Online. They released patch 1.1 last week and it contained many bug fixes, a few new classes and some changes to ORvR (Open Realm vs. Realm). It's that last category of changes that really made the game a ton of fun this weekend. Mythic added influence rewards to ORvR and due to this I was able to join a group of twenty players (a warband) with the sole purpose of running around and capturing the keeps and battlefield objectives for several hours.

Some of the keeps went down easy, but there were a few where the forces of Order stepped up to defend and it was quite the site. I'm only in Tier 2 (out of four), so I haven't experienced the higher level content, but the keep sieges that we engaged in were quite fun. The enemy walls were lined with opposing players as they tried to repel our attacks. We had some rough times with the boiling oil, but after the main door went down, it usually didn't take too much longer for us to mow down the defenders and assault the keep lord. I even got a chestpiece for an armor set from one of the gold bags I got for helping take the keep.

If you have been waiting for ORvR to pick up before starting (or coming back to) Warhammer Online, then now is the time to check it out.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 16, 2008, 11:41AM
This does end the "flying" story arc (for now) and now I can focus on comics geared towards the upcoming holiday. If I can think of any...

Not much else to talk about at the moment. Although yesterday was the "company Christmas party" in which I got to ditch out of work for about an hour in order to go to Jullians and played games and ate some food.

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