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Quest Giver
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 16, 2009, 8:31AM
I actually made a pair of these for Jessica and myself a few years back. You can see one on this WVD@W updates. I came up with this idea on a whim. I was thinking what sort of reward would be both monetarily functionally useless, and faction seemed to fit the bill. Although Reese could use some more Vance faction, I do hold the fate of his character in my very hands.

I also went this past week with Jessica to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. We were both surprisingly impressed with this movie and although some people may have some griefs with it length (running about 3 hours) It was beautifully constructed and a nice change of pace.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 16, 2009, 8:39AM
I'd also like to send a special thank you to all the people who have been advertising on our site as well as a few new links and posts out there. We are working on a link exchange set up. So if you wanna swap some link just let us know and we'll get it set up.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 16, 2009, 10:37AM
And now everyone knows why I don't do faction quests.

I was reading Ars Technica earlier today (as I do every day) and ran across this article about console sales for all of 2008. I've always liked Nintendo, so this kind of news just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Especially since everyone counted them out during the era of the N64.