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Jessica Draws a Comic
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 6, 2009, 10:00AM
I'm sick. It sucks. I've lost most of my voice and it's quite miserable. I passed out last night with Jessica saying "I'll draw your comic for you." Upon waking I was presented with this... It was cute and has a charm that I don't think I could pull off, so here it is, with love from Jessica. And in the end isn't love the best medicine.

Comic note: This references my Imagination comics with me and Reese.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - February 6, 2009, 5:11PM
If you subscribe to our RSS feed, you may have noticed the last four or five entries pop up twice. Sorry about that. I needed to update a few things with the code to bring our feed up to full standards compliance and that caused the double posts.

On another note, some friends and I did see Sword of the Stranger last night and it was a decent movie. The main problems I have with what I saw last night had nothing to do with the movie itself, but the theater. Their digital projector was giving off a dim image, they started the movie early (so we missed some of it even though we got there five minutes before it was supposed to start) and the sound was so loud it hurt. I know they don't have to screen digital films the same way as actual prints, but for a one time showing of a film, it couldn't hurt to take the time to do it right. By the way, this was AMC Theaters, where I used to work. I would have never let this kind of crap happen.