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Furnishing - Part 4
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 27, 2009, 8:38AM
Not only are they perfect, they’re on clearance! Man, just think of the possibilities. Gaming Rockers had a spurt of popularity a few years ago. Some attribution can go to Penny Arcade, when the posted pictures of a get together where one of these chairs was present. I may be giving them a little too much credit, but that’s where Reese and I got our ambitions to acquire these chairs some years back.

Now, VR Comic has somewhat stepped away from out “Video Game Webcomic” roots. Partly due to that never being my natural style as a cartoonist and also, everyone and their grandma has a “Two Roommates who play video games” comic. I tend to just make entertaining observations of the world around me and in this case Reese and myself actually bought these chairs. I had a green one and Reese his blue one (matching out characters shirts). So I decided these would be a nice step away from the standard “couch” affair.

Way too much info, I’ll let you get back to your lives now...

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - February 27, 2009, 8:50AM
Oh, Jessica and I also went to see Slumdog Millionaire. If you watched the Oscars you would have seen this movie walk away with every award they had to give, and for a good reason. Very impressed with this movie: visuals, story telling, concept, its all there. I was a little disappointed in the dance number at the end (not part of the story, just during the credits) since Slumdog is a mock Bollywood movie you would expect a little more classic Indian dancing. But when your first exposure to it is your girlfriend forcing you to watch Devdas, you get a little spoiled.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - February 27, 2009, 4:51PM
If you have never owned a rocker chair, you should give one a shot. They work great for gaming and I found that my nephew really enjoyed playing with mine (he would set it face down and use it like a climbable ramp). Or, if you are a beanbag kind of person, I can recommend anything from Sumo.

I'm going to be on vacation next week. My girlfriend and I are going to Hawaii (Kauai to be exact) for most of next week. I'll try to post when I can.