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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - April 27, 2009, 9:36AM
Nothing says “The Holidays” like eating rabbit poop.

So the Noblegarden festival has been going on it WoW for the past few days. I’ve spent the past little bit acquiring the achievements that accompany this most glorious holiday (basically picking up eggs till my eyes bleed). All and all I should be completed with these tasks easily before the day out.

I find it entertaining hoe this holiday in WoW is linked to our real world Easter, yet Easter was weeks ago. I can only assume that because of the expansion and work load with updates it was postponed till now, since checking and seeing that next years event actually falls on the corresponding dates.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - April 27, 2009, 10:08AM
First, I'll let Vance and anyone who cares know the reason for the delayed Noblegarden event. It wasn't ready in time. When they added achievements with the release of Wrath of the Lich King they never added any for Noblegarden. In fact, there was very little to do for the holiday. So they wanted to beef it up and that wasn't ready until the 3.1 patch. This pushed the actual event back. The more you know!

On another note, just last week I setup a Netflix account and linked it to my Xbox 360. After using it for a week, it is probably the best $8.99 a month I will be spending for a long time. The streaming content is great quality and the selection is pretty decent(though not nearly as extensive as the DVD selection). I was also impressed with the easy setup for adding a season of a TV show to your queue and then easily being able to select which episode to watch from that season. Everything is just handled very well. I'm just that much closer to ditching my cable service and running everything through the internet.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - April 29, 2009, 5:04PM
I've just finished tweaking the last little bit for the WVD@W archive page and I believe it is ready for your consumption. If you take a quick gander at the top of the page, you will notice that there is a new link to this page now available. Feel free to let us know what you think.