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Jessica at Hogwarts - Part 2
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 20, 2009, 11:50AM
I've come to terms with Jessica's love of fictitious characters. I figure its better to deal with her fictional interests then the alternative.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 20, 2009, 4:09PM
I went and saw the new Harry Potter movie this weekend. Considering what Vance said on Friday, I didn't have a big problem with the movie. I read the books (although I don't remember all the details now) and the movie wasn't horrible or anything. It was to the same standard of quality that the prior movies were, with only one major difference. *SPOILER ALERT* highlight to read... They deviate from the standard way the movies have gone thus far, in the sense that there is no one villain who is defeated or set back by the end of the movie. Not only that, but when Dumbledore dies at the end, it almost feels like the movie just rushes to the ending with out doing much more with it (such as the eulogy for him in the book). I think this movie does a decent job of revealing the intended plot lines that the book did but may be a disappointment as it leaves you feeling like there should have been more. Anyway, that's my two cents.