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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 28, 2009, 7:29AM
This is true. As an artist, staring at a blank white page can be a bit foreboding. Unless you're working on a preconceived idea you just stair at the page waiting for it to do something. I've found drawing something, anything, even just a scribble can get the mind juiced flowing. I normally draw the duck. A simple easy character full of gumption, he tends to head me in the right direction.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 28, 2009, 12:17PM
Since I don't really draw, I haven't had any issues with this kind of stuff. The closest I get is when writing these rants. When I draw a blank, that is usually what you guys get from me (sorry). I'm always interested in a variety of different things at any given time, but I try not to throw that all your way since you would probably think I was crazy (more so than normal).

I just got an invite to Google Voice this weekend and setup a number through them. This service lets you do a ton of things, like have multiple phones ring when you get a call, transcribes your voice mails to text (and emails/texts them to you if you so desire), along with a bunch of other things. So far I haven't used it a ton, but what I have done has been pretty impressive. I probably won't be able to get the full benefit out of it until they let me port my current number to be my Google Voice number. Even then, I have to decide if I want Google to be routing all my phone calls. I guess time will tell.