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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 19, 2006, 9:00PM
Ah, the last of the reserves... When the idea of making an online comic came about I started creating comics. I made about 12 in all and throughout the comic I've used all but this one. I apologize for the almost rough nature of it, I drew it quite a bit ago before I knew a great deal about Photoshop, but the jokes still there and with a little touching up it still looks good.

So, why the filler comic? Especially with so many things having had happened this week? Well, as we all know I'm lazy and I normally don't get the comic started till Sunday afternoon. But instead of spending this Sunday working on the comic I need to devote the time to my final projects for school. So, enjoy this small joke and stay tuned for more dynamic developments.

Speaking of "dynamic developments" here's Reese...

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 19, 2006, 9:00PM
If you didn't know this, Vance writes everything up way ahead of time (5 minutes) before sending it to me so I can post it all. I usually write up my comments here after reading everything that Vance has to say and so on. Which is why Vance's introduction for me is kinda funny. He knows I have a big anouncement to make, and I do...

Due to some really wierd alignment of the planets, along with the helping hand of a friend, I now have a girlfriend. She is the best thing to come my way in a long time, if not ever. So far, things are looking good and I hope they continue along this path. Oh, and I'm working on a promotion at work as well so life is great. Now I just need to wait for the car wreck/lightning strike/moose attack that will bring me back down.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 19, 2006, 9:00PM
This is what I spend all of Sunday, and Sunday night, doing. This is one of my fantasy characters Isaak Bear. He is the newest edition to my adventure group, and I have been developing his story something fierce. I love flails...


This is my final project for my Digital Ink and Paint class done in Illustrator and Photoshop.