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The Doozy
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 18, 2009, 10:14AM
It always takes longer to do the PAX comic then I expect. To bring in into perspective... My normal comic has about 3 panels. A PAX comic (as is stands now) is about 5 times that. Add in the time to lay everything out and consult other people in the groups experiences (It's one of the few comics I take mass input on) and it all leads up to a fair amount of time.

I know this is just an excuse, but it's a decent one... So I'm runnin with it.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 18, 2009, 1:13PM
I was going to give Vance a bunch of crap about him not posting during PAX and also taking forever to create the PAX comic (maybe it will be ready before PAX East?) but then I realized that I haven't posted anything either. Time to fix that.

First thing, PAX was fun as always. The trip had it's issues, which I'm sure Vance's comic will show. We had issues with the hotel (we stayed at the Red Lion Hotel, just so you know) and how the new travel desk reservation setup for PAX handled our reservations. The end result being that we got one king bed instead of two queens. Nothing a roll-away bed couldn't fix. There were other issues with the hotel so I think we will be looking elsewhere next year (though the TV with full access to the connectors was great). Of course, Vance had a different experience as he drove up (he's crazy) earlier and was staying with friends.

PAX itself was much easier to move around in with all the extra space that the sixth floor provided. Last year was cramped and kind of a pain. This year felt more relaxed. I guess it also helped that there were fewer panels that I wanted to see this year, so I had a bit more time to do other things (such as play Settlers of Catan <-- great game!). I also had to deal with the same issue I've had to deal with for the past several years. There just simply isn't enough time to see everything I want to see in the Exibition Hall and still do other things at PAX. I understand why they close at 7pm (they need to rest/check out PAX just like us) but I really wish they kept it open longer. Especially once all the panels die off in the evening.

There were also some badge related issues, but that was all our fault. I won't say anymore right now, since I figure it will be featured in the comic. I can't think of anything else right now, maybe I'll have some more for you by the time the comic is up.