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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 28, 2009, 10:31AM
I had a bit of an issue posting today's comic. Nothing with the site, I think my internet just crapped out on me. But with a little effort and a few power cycles everything is up and running fine. Hence why you are reading today's comic...

I have had some plans on doing something like this for a while now. The Sims setup was perfect. Even if Heather has never actually played sims.

Although I take many things from my life into consideration while drawing VR Comic not everything is (in fact most things are not) real. There's a certain taboo that goes along with putting yourself in your comic. Way back when Reese and I discussed the naming conventions and how everything will work even the name VR Comic was not our first choice. But we settled on this outcome and going on four years I think its doing ok.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 28, 2009, 11:44AM
I've been playing video games for most of my life. I don't know if I'd say I'm a hardcore gamer, but I'm most definitely a peg or two above a casual gamer. This means that I have no problem devoting a large portion of my time and money to video games. The reason this is bad is because now I have found a large quantity of easy but addictive games on Facebook.

I spend at least a few hours every day taking care of my crops in Farmville or building my mafia in Mafia Wars. These games are simple and yet oh so satisfying. If you have anything less then absolute willpower, stay far away from Facebook games. They have already claimed both Heather and myself.

If that wasn't enough, I have also picked up Scribblenauts. This game is easy to play but actually starts getting difficult fairly quickly. It's not that I can't solve the puzzles or anything, I just can't solve them three times using different objects for the advanced mode. Not only that, but sometimes things don't work the way you think they should. For example, I was amazed at how long you can burn a rope with a flamethrower and have it still maintain integrity.