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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - April 9, 2006, 9:00PM
I bet you getting a little tired of the "Reese has a girlfriend" comics, and sadly, so am I. In fact I've pretty much made peace with it, and all my sarcastic quips are almost depleted. This one is horribly true though, and allow be to explain the depth of it. Ever since I have known Reese (many a year now) there have been certain infallible things. He wears boots, Khaki shorts that almost never coordinate with the shirt he's wearing, and most recently (a year or two now) is never without his flash drive around his neck (for those emergency computer clean ups at a friends house) and the only time I've ever seen him wear a polo shirt is when he just gets off of work. So, when I see him one night, at our weekly magic game, with not only one, but all four of these things changed, it was almost too funny for me to even to fathom it.

I like Reese's girlfriend, she is quite interesting, intelligent, and fits in quite well with our little band of miscreants. She, however, is not used to me and all my little idiosyncrasies and as a result she worries about me when there is little to worry about, as well as worrying about coming between Reese and my friendship, or somehow changing Reese... but these things are impossible. Reese and I will forever hang out and do nothing, and I seriously doubt anyone, in this makeshift reality we've conjured, has the ability to change Reese, for better or worse.

Maybe I just need to find a girlfriend to hang out with her, when Reese and I do shit.. Any takers? (..sigh)

When we started VR Comic the idea was to have a gaming comic strip, since we pretty much play video games and watch anime all the time, but looking back at our archive I've pretty much just been making fun of my life, which might be even more funny then anything I could come up with about a video game. But, nevertheless, I'm going to try to slip in more video game humor as we continue.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - April 9, 2006, 9:00PM
I've always known I would end up with a girlfriend and then I would end up changing the way I dress. This isn't so much as me changing, just a much needed overhaul of my personal appearance. I not only knew it was coming, I looked forward to it. It means that the girl I have found wants to spend more time with me in public and doesn't want to be embarressed by it. So I win two fold, first with the new wardrobe, second with the committed girlfriend.