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Egg Hunt
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - April 23, 2006, 9:00PM
So, Easter was over shadowed a bit this past week, so I was unable to do a holiday comic then. Funny thing though, I've had this idea for a while that cleverly fits in a week late. What would happen if you didn't find all the eggs from the egg hunt? I've often thought about that, and I'm sure a few of you may have had first hand knowledge of such a situation. Whatever may come of it, I'm sure it won't smell pleasant.

For a few reasons I'm testing various styles in which to draw the comic. Sadly, I do not have a Wacom tablet, so mostly I just trace with my mouse. Lately, I've been using a more professional tactic by using the pen tool, which is the most esthetically pleasing of all, but as a trade of it takes an ungodly long time to complete. This one is actually hand drawn, scanned in, levels adjusted, and colored. Fairly simple, and has a more rough look that I actually kind of like. I doubt I'll use this technique too often, but it seemingly turned out presentable.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - April 23, 2006, 9:00PM
Happy belated Easter!