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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 20, 2010, 8:47AM
It takes a lot for me to actually consider you my friend. First and foremost you need to prove that you are honorable. Now you think that might be easy to do, but to this date I have a very small handful of people I would actually call "friend." I've known Zan for a long time, almost as long as I've know Reese (to put that into perspective I've known Reese for over 12 years now) and he has always proven himself to be a strong honorable man.

I've seen (and lived) this situation more and more often. Some close somebody has the sky fall down on them and you are their safety net. Then after you've helped said somebody out from under their sky they blame you for it falling on them or even worse, blame you then crawl back under the rubble.

I said it in the comic but I want to make it perfectly clear. Stop blaming other people for your stupidity!!! Even if you don't agree thank them for caring enough not to laugh in your face! Cherish the people who cherish you and you will live a happy fulfilling life.

< /soap box >