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Fantasi - Epilogue
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 18, 2010, 4:31PM
You may ask yourself "What was the point of all this Vance?" To that I say... This was for me. With the issues I have been dealing with lately I had fallen off path on doing what I love to do, draw these comics, and for months postings were sporadic or absent. For that I am very sorry. I never wanted to be one of those comics that fell off the face of the earth and I felt that we lost a great deal of our common readership when I did that. So, without readers I thought to my self "What do I need to do for me" and an epic tale seemed to fit. Something with the story laid out for me to follow.

Now I dug two ditches here...

1) These were very big comics and took a long time to draw.

2) I based the happenings in Fantasi off of something that I had thought to be concluded.

Error on both parts. With longer comics it took more time to do them, obviously, and with shit going down all over again I had lost what I thought to be the ending.

Lastly, on a personal note (like all this hasn't been already)I am very happy I did this. It forced me to have painful conversations from a storyteller's perspective. Realizing much and expressing more.

Jessica and I are fine. Our relationship is stronger and happier then ever. I worked with her the whole of this arc and her portrayal is not one sided. I tried very hard to make sure of that.

Creators note: If you know Reese and ask him what the hell this is all about, he only knows bits and fragments. The part of Reese (or his character) was played by my good friend Steven. In which I actually did break his nose (on accident of course).

If you liked all this stuff I am actually working on the ACTUAL Fantasi storyline. It's the old WVD@W and I have many chapters written, planned, and drawn already... stay tuned for more on that.

Thanks for hanging in there... antics to resume shortly.