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Paranormal Activity 2
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 25, 2010, 11:03PM
Yes, Fallout: New Vegas is out. Yes, I have been playing it. No, this is not a comic about it. Yes, I'm comfortable with that. I am enlightened...

So, Jessica and I went to go see Paranormal Activity 2 with Al and Cindy the other night. It was enjoyable and scary but it was not the fear drenched bed wetting nightmare that was the first. My favorite part was after a particularly scary scene Jessica leaned over to me and said "They haven't earned the right to scare us like that." and that sums up my feelings on the movie. Scary, yes, but it lacked the smooth slow climb to a gut wrenching horror that the first one did so eloquently.

Second, if you disagree with me, fine. Perfect. everyone finds different things scary. I can watch all the face lopping gorefest movies out there and laugh all the way through them. But give me a smooth ride of suspense and I wont sleep for a week.

I rarely find anything but well done indie horror that can do the job right.