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The Fat Man and the Little Lady
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 4, 2010, 10:45PM
I wanted to actually beat Fallout: New Vegas before I started a myriad of strips concerning it. I have actually completed the game twice now, neutral and evil, and am looking forward to see what the NCR can do for me. I also wanted to finish out the game before drawing anything for the fear I might spoil something for someone.

This is not a spoiler. I actually noted this in fallout 3 and since little of the game mechanics changed it's still there. Your companion will always equip the best weapon they can use and that they have ammo for that's all fine and dandy when you first start out. Ammo has no weight but I like a clean inventory too. So I'll dump anything I don't use in my companions inventory and that leads to some interesting scenarios. Like, Veronica using said superbadass weapon to kill a mole rat.

In all actuality, it was not the mini-nukes I had to stop in the middle of combat to remove from her inventory, it was the electronic charge packs. I happened across the Tesla-Beaton Prototype pretty early and could never see fit to sell it. So Veronica got to carry it.

It seems every time this happened I would find myself chastising the character irl. "No Veronica, I have you on melee, go Punch something!" Then I would remove her ECP's and she would happily oblige.

If you note, my character is holding a sniper rifle. I played the first round (and by far the longest) as a sniper/talker. Veronica isn't the best choice for that (Boone is, which is why I am wearing his hat). But, as soon as Jessica found out that Veronica was voiced by Felicia Day and Jessica would giggle any time she spoke, I found myself incapable of having any other companion.

So, there's a little info and a lot of things you don't care about. Tune in next time where I might actually talk about the game!