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The Spirit of Giving
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 29, 2010, 4:17AM
It's not necessarily a new idea, this one here, but I think it helps to know this is an actual conversation I had with Jessica, for the most part.

It's interesting to think about this time of year in many different ways. Take the original/spiritual/religious/economic side of the argument... Just for fun.

In the end it just breaks down to people trying to be nicer... for whatever reasons they choose.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 29, 2010, 5:06AM
Special note: You will notice that one of our add banners has been changed, yet, upgraded to that sparkling amazing thing that IS... Child's Play. Ever since Mike and Jerry of Penny Arcade goo'd this magic eight ball of an idea Reese and I have been big supporters of it. In fact, Reese had the banner ready and waiting to put up. So, if you got any extra flow throw it towards some child entertainment when they sorely need it...

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 29, 2010, 5:22AM
Personal Note:

When I was in the 5th grade I got a nasty case of appendicitis. You're thinking, that’s an in and out procedure, we’ll you’d be right... in most cases. Mine wasn’t caught nearly as fast as many other cases and in reaction my body actually walled off the poison so it didn’t kill me.

In order to take out my appendix first the doctors had to drain all the bile from my system. This took weeks (if I remember correctly six weeks). I had the love and support of my family throughout but what got me through those days in the hospital was when the nurse rolled in that magical cart with nothing but a TV and a Nintendo.

I played anything they had. Mainly I remember playing Castlevania, good ol’ Simon Belmont whipping the shit out of stuff, HELL! I never even made it past the first boss (fucking bat) but I bent every IV they stuck in my wrist because those few hours of playing those non consequential games made the world of difference.

So, I’m not saying donate to Child's Play because you’re a gamer or I’m a gamer... In fact, screw gaming. The only thing this is for is to help some kid in some hospital somewhere deal with the situation they’ve been given.

Thank you for your time.