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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 6, 2010, 8:48PM
So, Cataclysm is staring us it the face. What will this new world avail to wee mortals? We'll the one thing it will do is make all the Tweens and Twihards roll alliance. As a primarily horde player now I like that except that I happen to have fallen in love with one of the above mentioned (A Twihard, get you mind out of the gutter people). So that means I will probably be rolling an ally to appease the misses.

But guys, look at this as a golden goose. NOW you finally have the proper tools to convince you wife/girlfriend/gay lover to step away from there 4th read through of New Moon and spend some quality time with you, playing WoW.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 6, 2010, 9:51PM
I'd make a Twilight joke, but between the comic and the post, I think Vance has covered them all.

Just to note, I can not wait to start leveling again in Cata (either my 80's or my soon to be goblin).