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While The Reese Is...Shit He's Back!
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 11, 2006, 9:00PM
Two lessons here,

1) How to avoid a conversation you don't want to have.

2) How to annoy the piss out of Reese.

Note: they normally go hand and hand.

So Reese is finally back from his little vacation from the comic and what a welcome back. Surprise! I didn't kill off the Robot Maid, in fact this is the first comic you actually get to see her face. And she was even kind enough to save our more expensive belongings. On a hint of reality Reese did just move in with his girlfriend recently but I don't think that we'll make that a standing thing in the comic. Single guy humor only goes so far when you're living with a girlfriend... that there's a whole other type of humor.

So I'm having a decision to make on the comic basis. I really like doing this. The ongoing story thing is really fun and I'm learning a lot about story telling. As the readers of this site I'd like to know what you like. I've been trying a bunch of different things, testing the water, if you have an opinion e-mail one of us (since we don't have forums). If you're a close friend that reads it, just tell me... I'd like to see what the couple people who read this think that don't talk to me on a weekly basis.

FINALS WEEK! I did the comic early (finished Saturday morning) In order to have ample time to procrastinate about my final projects. My Pre-Production class is going extremely well, and my group is actually pulling off one of my absolutely psychotic ideas. I'll post the final product here, or link to it next week. My Flash animation class is eating me alive though, more for my laziness to do the work then my ability to do the work. This past weekend was reserved for that, and that alone, so we'll see how I do. My other classes are of lesser consequence.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 11, 2006, 9:00PM
I took forever to post this comic because with the new house I have moved into, Cox Communications has yet to install our cable. So no internet at home. I have to post the comics from work until this issue is resolved.

I'm always a source of entertainment for Vance and that is the orgin of many a comic. I think I'll try a little harder to come up with some original story material and maybe, just maybe I'll have Vance draw up some of my ideas. We might have to make that a subsection, because some of the things I think may not work within the current comics framework. Time will tell...