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Vance - May 30, 2011, 3:28AM
This comic was brought to you by the letter "D"(bag). So Jessica and I are having an amazing lunch at Networks Bar & Grill when three of the most quintessential douche bags we have ever seen walked in wearing Star Trek shirts - the ones from the new movies (they were all shiny) - and sat down right next to us. As they began to boast about how awesome they are, Jessica sprung this little nugget on me.

Jessica and I both loved the new Star Trek movie. It was amazing. But I had never taken the time to think about what the action-packed blockbuster meant to the cosplay world. Now any douche bag can put on a yellow shirt and call himself Kirk. And the quasars die, leaving only a pile of empty beers.

Jessica and I had a lot of fun at the Phoenix Comicon, even more than we expected to have. We ran into some great friends and saw some pretty awesome shit. Our main focus was on Adam Baldwin. We got his autograph and attended the Chuck panel. Super awesome experience all around.