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Rude Awakening
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 24, 2011, 3:33AM
I guess I can say, now that the cat's out of the bag, that our house burned down recently. This is the reason for the lack of proper updates. My apologies for inflicting a Reese drawn comic on you all. Luckily all people and pets escaped safely along with the majority of our belongings (our computers seem to be working fine).

This here is how Jessica and I were woken up... With a cop near bursting down our door. We were quickly rushed out the front door while the firefighters passed us heading into danger.

The fire started in the back of our house, but the source was "indeterminate" and the fire inspectors couldn't narrow down the ignition point. But when all was said and done there was $150,000 worth of property damage. Good thing we had insurance!!!

This isn't the first time there has been a fire in the comic but it is the first time this has actually happened.

And for the kiddies out there, a quick pic of the fun.

Our undying gratitude to the PhxPD and PhxFD for their fast actions and heroics in our time of need <3