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EQ Nostalgia
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 25, 2011, 3:25PM
I'm back on EQ for a few specific reasons.

1) It's free, or at least for a short time it is, if you have a previous inactive account.

2)Progression Servers. Currently they are on the Kunark expansion... So I can play what I liked and remember before it just got too much.

3)WoW has lost its edge. So I'm going back to my MMO roots to ground me again and remind me why I play... Because these games are addictive as hell!

I wadge a great amount of weight on the statement "I hate this game" it's a very telling phrase. If you play a game and you never say it, the game is too easy, no challenge, put it away. If you say it multiple times a week it'll probably last you a while. If you say it every time you play? It's got addictive power, as long as you have some measure of success.

Oh, and if you have no measure of success AND you say it every time you play? You're probably playing ET on your Atari and you should look at upgrading.