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Left Behind - Part 7
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 21, 2011, 10:05PM
This is the last of the "Left behind" arc! It's been a longer trip then expected but I hope you all enjoyed the ride. Not all the story is complete but it moves a few pieces closer to their mate.

If you find yourself wondering if you came to the right place YES, this is VR Comic v3, I think? This is the third redesign on the site in our history. It's been lying in wait for some time and it's nice to see it in action. There are still some tweaks to see to but we wanted to have it up before we head to PAX this week.

Oh yeah... PAX!. We're heading up mid-week and you might be finding yourself asking, "But Vance, what about the comics while you're gone?" And to that I say STOP TALKING IN MY HEAD IMAGINARY VOICE!!! I GOT IT COVERED! By my other fictitious friends/cousins Larissa and Dave, who you may remember did the guest strips last year.

So a big thanks to them for keeping watch while I'm off having fun!

Oh, one more thing... Look at all the shiny new buttons! Push them... PUSH THEM ALL!!!

...see you at PAX

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - August 22, 2011, 4:24PM
As Vance mentioned, there have been some changes to the site. Feel free to email myself or Vance (using the link built into our names above our posts) and let us know what you think. You can also comment on our Facebook page.