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Lucky Hack
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 19, 2012, 6:06AM
I have no right to be lacking any comics lately, for the creativity gods have blessed my with an abundance of content...

This whole WoW fiasco hit about a month ago. I had let my account go the way of many MMO's before. World of Warcraft has a unique talent though. A talent only held by one other MMO I've played to date (EQ... I miss you, but I will never pay for you again), the talent to suck you back in after you swore it off for good.

I had absolutely no ambition, whatsoever, to play WoW again, until I got hacked. It almost makes me think it's a ploy by Blizzard to get people playing again.

Say you're accounts been hacked...

Have said hacked individual log into see they have more gold then they have ever had in their entire time of playing...

They can't help but want to spend it.

I have reinvested much of that gold back into the economy of Ysondre, whether it be for my personal gain, or passing along my fortune to my friends that still play.

However this windfall hit, it has brought me back to the world of Azeroth, for the time being.