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VR Leap - Part 14
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 21, 2012, 6:10AM
So we take a step back to comic 115. It's been one hell of a ride... both with this extremely long (sorry) story arc and my real life adventures in moving 1700 miles from what I've know for my whole life to be home.

This honestly isn't the original idea I had for this comic. My original thought was to have the Vance character leap into reality to have a heart to heart with the real Vance (me) who explains that there will be a "Break from the comic and my real life." Meaning things from here on that happen in the comic are no longer based on life events.

That is still holding true, seeing as Reese is still the R in VR Comic, but it seemed like a moot point. Reese felt free to enlighten me on the "Just do it, nobody will probably even notice" or in Reese speak "Blah Blah Blah Guild Wars 2 Blah." So I revamped the conclusion and this seemed to be the way to go.

Why? Well, I have taken a major gamble, leaving almost all my friends and family to take a chance to be where I've always wanted to be. But I'm not just gambling my trappings. Jessica, my deer wife, has not only accompanied me but pushed me all the way. Without her love and support non of this would have been possible.

Love you Deer.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 21, 2012, 9:23AM
Speaking of which, you really should check out Guild Wars 2 if you haven't yet.