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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 4, 2007, 9:00PM
It is important to note that this comic is not saying anything ill towards game developers. But the late night commercials bombarded upon those. It seems they want us to believe that anyone who plays video games can make them. Far be it for me to say that you as a gamer can not make games, because you can, but playing them isn't the qualification. Loving them, living them, dissecting them, these are just a few things that make you qualified.

There is a reason I am in the Animation program in my current academics, I do not have a passion for gaming. I enjoy it, and it allows me to distance myself from reality (which I enjoy thoroughly) but I do not have a passion for it. My Passion is in cartoons, obviously.

I do have many future and current game developers as friends and they constantly amaze me at the amount of effort the put forth on a daily basis for the love of their art. I just hate seeing something I respect belittled in such a way.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 4, 2007, 9:00PM
It seems that I have gaming so ingrained into my very being that I would watch TV while holding a controller...

I've seen these adds appear more frequently in the past six months. It appears that going to school to learn to create games is the newest fad. I'd have to agree with Vance on this one though, you really have to have a strong passion for games (not just playing them) before you can really expect to go anywhere in the industry. Not that I would actually know, I'm just going by what I've heard...