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Robots Part 2
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 11, 2005, 9:00PM
This week we are continuing with robot antics, Part 2 (dun dun dunnnn). I kind of set myself into an interesting predicament posting last weeks comic when I did. The holiday season in standing on our chest by this point and I work my way into a multi-part comic having nothing to do with the season... I dust been smartified. But, I must play out this idea to its fullest, I feel its one of my more cleaver endeavors and oh how do I love to be cleaver.

With the season comes the stress, and I have actually crawled out of the pit I was sitting in for quite some time. Still busy as hell, with school finishing up, It was nice to sit down and create something of my own design and will, rather then working my ass off on some assignment just to try and please some jackass teacher.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 11, 2005, 9:00PM
Sorry for not posting last week. I felt like crap and if Vance hadn't called me, I would have forgotten to post the comic at all. It didn't help that I was 'on call' that weekend as well.

On to the important stuff. If you were not aware, Christmas is once again upon us. I remember as a kid loving Christmas, all the toys and family around, time off from school, it was all great.

With the passage of time (and a few retail jobs), I now see Christmas as a wholly commercial entity. I get no joy from a holiday that seems to only mean forced time with family and shopping for those close to you. I think that you should buy things for the people near to you whenever you see something they will like (and money permits). You should also get together with family because you want to, not because of the time of year. Mind you, I leave all religious views out of this, since I don't particularly follow any of them. Enjoy the jolly long lines and festive traffic this season.