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Shannon's Story - Part 1
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 29, 2008, 12:05PM
And Shannon's Story continues...

I actually ended up drawing the meat of this comic at work. You can normally tell when I do this because the lines aren't quite as smooth as they would be if I did it all in in Photoshot. I always enjoy getting the bulk of work out of the way at work, all I have to do then is take it home, scan it in, fit it to my template and color. I also tend to like my free hand work a little more.

Sadly, I've heard stories like this more then a few times in my life. I don't know if it's me, ya... it's probably me.

There may be a few people out there that don't know what the SCA is. If not, go get a stick and hit somebody with it, you'll get the gist.