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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 12, 2006, 9:00PM
Before I get into the contents of the comic I must tell you that this week's comic comes to you on time through the grace of me being a lucky bastard. So there I was, just finishing up, adding the text bubbles and what not, when Photoshop starts acting funny. Right then it pops into my little head HOLY SHIT I HAVEN'T SAVED IT AT ALL! (Just like that too.) So I franticly try to save it before whatever is mucking up the system crashes it, but no... it won't save. I don't know why, but it would open the file bars and then do nothing. So I set the comic full screen and took a screen shot, just in time for the damn program to crash. So I lost about 6 hours of work, but I didn't have to redo it, which is happy.

As for the comic... I have decided to go in a more "fantasy" direction and put a girl in it. I have no idea how this will pan out, this started off as a mouse comic and suddenly became so much more. So stay tuned, cuz I don't even know what the hells going on!

Its interesting drawing women for me, not for the fact that it's harder for me (damn women and there curves) but it's almost like playing dress up. I'm a guy; I'm a guy in every sense of the word. I wake up in the morning smell my cloths and if it's not too funky, that's what I'm wearing that day. I started wearing flip flops just so I wouldn't have to hassle with finding clean socks. So when I have to think, and put together an entire outfit that someone with style might wear? I have to go to references of thing I like. I have styles I like on women, and I love fishnet (mmm) so this endeavor should be a very interesting learning experience.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 12, 2006, 9:00PM
I actually went to bed early and got some sleep last night, so I'm doing this before work and don't have much time. Maybe I'll actually post something later.