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Robot Saga Part 1
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 11, 2007, 9:00PM
You might remember the first comic our mechs appeared in a while back. "The Robot Saga" was conceived shortly after that and has been on the blocks waiting to make its debut. It all started with a simple sketch and then all the ideas kind of fell into place to mesh a bunch of stuff together. I really like it and I hope you will too.

You might also recall that McCoppin Scrap was the scrapyard in The Iron Giant, in which the Giant gets his eat on. The Iron Giant's one of my all time favorite movies, and it you haven't seen it yet, for shame, and go watch it...

Well, life's kind of taken itself back to normal. For about a week it seemed to turn around, do a little dance then step back to where it was. Too much happened too fast that I really can't grasp it all, nor do I really care to. I'm back in a familiar place now, not sure if that's all that good of a thing but it's what I have to work with.

Also, school started up, and as I gear up for my last few quarters I seem to find myself wondering "What the fuck have I gotten myself into" then I spend a few hours fiddling around with a rig in Maya and remember "Oh ya, this is why". We'll see how it pans, but if nothing else it should keep me busy.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 11, 2007, 9:00PM
If you somehow missed it, Apple has announced their new iPhone. It's pretty sleek and I really want one. The biggest issue I have with it is that it is a Cingular exclusive.

I'm working on some design changes for the code on our site, so hopefully, in the next couple of months, there will be some changes coming around. We'll see what happens...