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Robot Saga Part 2
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 14, 2007, 9:00PM
OMG its Reese's robot! I bet you never thought you'd see him again after my robot maid threw him away so long ago. But, surprise! It's amazing what you can find at the dump.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 14, 2007, 9:00PM
I just got done downloading the Opera browser for the Wii and checking it out. I must admit, even though it is just a beta, it is working pretty decent. I went to WiiCade and was very impressed with how much fun such simple flash based games could be with a wiimote. I also took the time to head over to our site here and I'm proud to say that our comics look great and load just fine. So if you really need a VRComic fix in your living room, buy a Wii.

On another note, I'm really looking forward to The Burning Crusade expansion for Word of Warcraft. I don't know why, but I miss playing my 60 rogue. I feel the expansion and it's new level cap of 70 will give me a chance to really have fun and feel like I'm making some progress with her. I guess I don't feel like playing the whole gear collection mini-game that you are forced to go with at the highest level of WoW. I just want some good old fashioned character progression.

Also note that my rant today is of great length and includes several links, while Vance's looks anemic. Don't worry though! You have not fallen into some Bizarro world. I'm sure everything will be back to normal come Friday. For future reference, the easiest way to tell that you are visiting the Bizarro world version of our page is that I would draw the comics and they would look something akin to a five year old's drawings.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 14, 2007, 9:00PM
So, Reese does the comic for next week, and I'll do the coding/update. The great part is, you'll never see Reese's comic, cuz it'll never get uploaded.