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Robot Saga Part 3
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 18, 2007, 9:00PM
This make me giggle in a way that only feels good. For those of you who were not a child of the 90's this comic refers to The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers! I was in sixth grade when this hit the US and needless to say I was susceptible, plus the toys kicked ass. The Green Ranger Saga still holds a special place in my heart... Oh Tommy, what ever happened to you? Oh ya, you're still on the show...

As for a Robot Code? I don't know if there is actually one but I don't think it'll stop them from eating each other. More the don't kill humans, obey your master, puppy dog kind stuff.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 18, 2007, 9:00PM
Nothing too exciting this week. As you already know, The Burning Crusade expansion for WoW is out. I've made my new Draenei character and run my rogue through the first few quests of Outland. It's actually very refreshing to play in a new starting area as well as being able to advance my level 60 characters further. All in all, it brings back that feeling that I had the first time I played WoW, where everything was new and exciting. The expansion earns a giant thumbs up for that alone, not to mention everything else it brings to the table.