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Robot Saga Part 4
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 21, 2007, 9:00PM
To truly understand this comic you have to remember the first two comics we did staring my maid robot and Reese's drunken robot. If you remember those it should make sense, it you don't and don't care to follow my links, feel free to be lost on the subject.

This finishes up the Robot Saga for the most part. Got some fun interaction from different characters we don't see too often and now we can continue on to the rest. I am very happy with how this little stint turned out, and to date its our longest running "saga" but who knows whats to come... I certainly don't.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 21, 2007, 9:00PM
I went out with everyone last night and saw Pan's Labyrinth. This movie is a must see. I think it is the most believable 'fairy tale' movie I've ever seen. It shows many things that are too violent for children (hence the "R" rating) but I think that helps to contrast the fantasy part of the film. I'm no critic, but I'd still give this movie two thumbs up.