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He He I Got It
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 25, 2007, 9:00PM
Ok, so I finish up my night in WoW, admittedly spending much more time then I should have hoping around the Outlands, when I yawn and stretch and look at the clock stating that yet, indeed it is actually morning to most people. Then, I think "it's Friday, aren't I supposed to do something today? Shit!". Ya, so luckily over the past break I built myself a small reserve of comics for just such an occasion, you know the "I'm a dumb ass" occasion?

I thought of this idea one night whilst talking to Croz and I couldn't stop chuckling about it. Just something about Mario exclaiming "HE HE! I got it" then bonking you on the head with a plunger make me continuously giggle.

Like I said, wasn't really planning this comic for this week, but it actually turns out well to put something light and fluffy after our most recent more in depth "saga".

OH! and if you haven't seen the new TMNT movie trailer I highly recommend it. It is a special kind of bad ass.